Feb 5, 2011

The tests at Sepang
Last year's MotoGP champion had the fourth fastest time in the combined rankings, behind Casey Stoner, Dani Marco and Pentrosa Simontseli who topped once each.

However, the Lorenzo said: "I am very happy after three days, was one of the best winter testing, because we usually have more problems in this phase.

"The motorcycle (Yamaha) is feeling good but needs improvement in some areas. I think the next test will take the step above."

The new team mate Lorenzo of the factory team Yamaha, Ben finches, noted for its part: "We tried both settings on the engine and now we know what direction to go, which is very good.

"We also worked on some electronics to reduce fuel consumption without losing a gyrologio and there and found a good solution.

"We'll be back in two weeks with different objectives trying to be a little faster and try some different tire

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