Feb 13, 2011

E. Lavery: «I want to be in the top five"

Indicates sure we won this year
The Irish driver of the Yamaha is confident that it will be able to distinguish in WSBK, although the first year of participating in the competition.
The Laverty showed his abilities from the first time and declared 'threat' to their opponents. However, he prefers to keep a low profile.
"If at the end of the season finish in the top five or sextet, I am very satisfied. If I'm in the top three will be in an ecstatic state! At first I want to manage two good results. I do not intend to hunt the title immediately, although I know that I am able to do so. "

When asked for Marco Melandri, team mate, the E. Lavery said:
"With Marco are doing very well. He has a strong personality but is very good guy, and landing-unlike other Italian riders, calm. Never until now I had a fellow athlete who can feel me pressing. I think this will make me more competitive and will have a yardstick. However, I believe that he will feel pressure from the fact that you have to win. "

The Laverty said that the team does not Yamaha make distinctions between the two drivers and that motorcycles will be equivalent with regard to preparation.
"Undoubtedly, we will have equal treatment by the team. The R1 is much more reliable than it is in testing at Magny-Cours. The engine is stronger, more smooth in operation and improved performance of electronic and adjustment of the suspension, "he said.

The Ben Spies can evolve the M1

The Herve Poncharal is confident the U.S.
The Spies year struggle for the factory team's Yamaha, which means that it has a much greater role in the development of the YZR-M1 in relation to satellite Monster Yamaha Tech 3, which struggled last year.
Of course Yamaha lost the services of Valentino Rossi, who is considered the top driver in progress and many argue that together we will lose the ability to improve in the bike. But But Spies can help bridge the gap, according to Poncharal, who knows well the Texan, from his job in 2010.
Also, the Yamaha looks forward to the contribution of Spies and Jorge Lorenzo in progress to be made within the year for the evolution of motorcycles in 2012 to 1000cc. And with Masao Furusawa confirm that already the original tracks in 2012 tested in Japan, while the factory drivers will try also approaching.

For the role of Spies in development and regulation of this year's 800cc YZR-M1, spoke to British Poncharal MCN:
"I think Ben has been feeling good at the technical level. It is very businesslike and never comes in the garage to throw his helmet, even when wrong. Just sit very calmly explains what is happening and who is good at explaining what they feel and what needs to go faster by bike. Clearly I believe the profile will help the Yamaha to work well and developed a good bike. I'm not saying that it is better than Valentino, but now Ben knows the bike to be able to help in the development of the motorcycle. I'm sure it will be a good thing for them and the results and to help them progress. The Ben does not talk much, but what he says is correct and that it takes to hear an engineer. "

Moto2: Faster, J. Simon on the 2nd day

Lowered the fastest lap
On the second day of testing at the track in Valencia was the fastest Julian Simon, the rider of the team Aspar. The time recorded was 1 '36' .0, which was seven tenths faster than the collectively made by Alex de Angelis and Andrea Iannone (Note: 1 '36''.7) on the first day.

Back by J. Simon (on the second day of testing) was found o Yuki Takahashi, while third was Andrea Ianonne. Fourth was Thomas Luthi and the fifth Marc Marquez, who seems to have adapted to the requirements of the class.

Below you can see the ranking of the second day of testing at Valencia.

1. Julian Simon (Mapfre Aspar, Suter), 1'36 .0
2. Yuki Takahashi (Gresini Racing, Moriwaki), 1'36 .2
3. Andrea Iannone (Speed Master, Suter), 1'36 .3
4. Thomas Luthi (Interwetten Paddock M2 Racing, Suter), 1'36 .4
5. Marc Marquez (Catalunya Caixa Repsol, Suter), 1'36 .6
6. Michele Pirro (Gresini Racing, Moriwaki), 1'36 .6
7. Scott Redding (Marc VDS Racing, Suter), 1'36 .6
8. Simone Corsi (Ioda Racing Project, Ioda), 1'36 .6
9. Alex De Angelis (JiR Moto2, Motobi), 1'36 .8
10. Stefan Bradl (Viessmann Kiefer Racing, Kalex), 1'36 .8
11. Mika Kallio (Marc VDS Racing, Suter), 1'37 .0
12. Jules Cluzel (Forward Racing, Suter), 1'37 .1
13. Randy Krummenacher (GP Team Switzerland Kiefer Racing, Kalex), 1'37 .4
14. Raffaele de Rosa (G22 Racing, Moriwaki), 1'37 .5
15. Yonny Hernandez (Blusens STX, FTR), 1'37 .5
16. Mike DiMeglio (Tech 3 Racing, Tech 3), 1'37 .6
17. Esteve Rabat (Blusens STX, FTR), 1'37 .7
18. Xavi Fores (Mapfre Aspar, Suter), 1'37 .7
19. Claudio Corti (Italtrans, Suter), 1'37 .8
20. Alex Baldolini (Forward Racing, Suter), 1'37 .8
21. Bradley Smith (Tech 3 Racing, Tech 3), 1'38 .0
22. Kev Coghlan (Motorsport 69, FTR), 1'38 .0
23. Mattia Pasini (Ioda Racing Project, Ioda), 1'38 .3
24. Max Neukirchner (MZ Racing, MZ), 1'38 .5
25. Dominque Aegerter (Technomag CIP, Suter), 1'38 .6
26. Santiago Hernandez (SAG Team, FTR), 1'38 .6
27. Anthony West (MZ Racing, MZ), 1'38 .8
28. Kenny Noyes (Avintia STX, FTR), 1'38 .9
29. Robertino Pietri (Italtrans, Suter), 1'39 .4


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