Feb 7, 2011

C. Stoner: «I am surprised the RC212V! »

He clarified that Honda is different from the Ducati
After testing the track at Sepang, o Casey Stoner said that Honda is different from driving on the Ducati.
"With Honda follow different lines on the track, very different lines. Where I do not think I can handle and go, at that time and begin to enter the inside of turn "said the Stoner and added:
"I am surprised the RC212V. We must get used to this behavior so I can find the proper racing line every time. The Honda is different from the Ducati. I need some time but I think I made progress in Sepang. "

When asked to say which of the two motorcycles (Honda, Ducati) the most tiring, Stoner replied:
"I think that you understand what is more tedious. In three days I took the test blisters on hands, but the RC212V is amazing. By comparison, a more common framework and a little more difficult to change direction, but I'm very happy with it. The behavior of the front wheel me confidence.
Apparently (the Ducati) is slow, this also won more races than anyone all these years, but needed another way to drive. It may be worse in some places, but the Ducati has features that work very well. Normally, (the Ducati) induced vibrations in a circuit like Sepang and must close the path to your bends. But the Honda does not happen. I never lost the front wheel and it only happened once, something really different for me, "concluded Stone

»N. Hayden: «By listening to the Ducati »

It does not feel "pushed aside" by Rossi
The Nicky Hayden, with his statement, denied any rumors heard that people attach more importance to Ducati in Valentino Rossi since he joined the Italian team.
The Hayden denied that this happens and exclaimed:
"The team did what I asked (in tests of Sepang). It is sure to hear. I have no complaints and I am sure that I have confidence. The Valentino led the bike and I like it. Also, some things I asked the engineers were also effective. "

However, N. Hayden acknowledges the value of Rossi (that could be done differently anyway?) And stressed on:
"There is no doubt that Rossi will win races and be very strong."

Pernat: O real Rossi will be ready in 5-6 games

The Carlo Pernat, manager of Loris Capirossi, the Marco Simoncelli and Alex De Angelis, who indeed was the first manager of Valentino Rossi, is a legacy of the paddock with great experience and deep knowledge of things. Although he dropped out last spring on the transcription of Rossi to Ducati, believing they would remain on the Yamaha, is among those whose opinion counts and it is often the Italian media ask his opinion. Yesterday, asked about what happened at the Sepang test and asked to comment on the situation:
"This is the first real test since we introduced the 800aria in MotoGP. Why? Just because finally Honda has not fundamentally changed the bike from last season and is proving very competitive. The Honda also has four major drivers. The Yamaha side has a new engine that goes well and maybe just a Ducati is a little behind. It was known, but all are turned to Valentino ... although a second is long. The surprise of the test is Simoncelli, who went out loud and in the simulation game. The Nakamoto has staked a lot on it. The end result is that we have seven drivers who can play for the Championship. I put apart from last year's (Lorenzo, Pedrosa Stoner, Dovizioso) and Simoncelli, Spies and Valentino.
The Rossi is in play, but it will be difficult. I think it will go well in Qatar, because there are no problems stopping and Ducati is strong, but in Japan and Jerez are difficult tracks, with many brakes? The problems is that there will not be racing in ideal conditions. You must wait 5 -6 games for real Valentino. »

So Carlo Pernat and confirms what we have written since the beginning of Wrooom and after the test in Malaysia, that Rossi fans must have patience, that although it may go well in Qatar, then the problem will depend on how many of the other top 6 drivers will come forward to the struggle, whether they could after the first race to claim the championship. Because let's not forget that the scoring system in recent years, the first gets 25 points and the seventh only 9.

The Rossi won the Laureus Academy

At a ceremony held today in Abu Dhabi
The «Laureus World Sports Awards» is renowned awards are given once a year since 2000, athletes who did something special during the past year.
Relevant Academy, which counts 46 distinguished members, was founded in 1999 and the first award was made in May 2000. This option has two stages. First, a panel of leading journalists engaged in sports, with representatives from 80 countries to vote out a list of 6 candidates in each category. After 46 members of the Academy «Laureus World Sports Academy», by secret ballot proclaim the winners. The tremendous return to action of Valentino Rossi, after a serious accident, was recognized by the Academy and in 2011 the Italian won the award in the category «Comeback of the Year» (Back of the Year).

Among the 46 members from the world of motorsport are only three persons who Giacomo Agostini, Emerson Fittipaldi and Mika Hakkinen. For example, Tennis has 5 members, Golf 3 members, while the Sport of Athletics has 8 members - even the President is known obstructer medalist Edwin Moses.
Most of the then 46 (coincidence number), estimated that Rossi returned to racing action just 41 days (in German GP), after the terrible accident (at Mugello).
O Spaniard Rafael Nadal was named «Sportsman of the Year» (Athlete of the Year) and the American skier Lindsey Vonn «Sportswoman of the Year» (Athlete of the Year).

The Rossi has won the statuette in 2006 (see photo) when he took the «Spirit of Sport Award» (Award for Spirit of Sport).
Another important distinction, therefore, the only motorcyclist who has been honored in the history of this institution.

Lorenzo: «We have a very good bike, but ..."

He wants to win nine races this year
The Jorge Lorenzo, who was in fourth place ranking in Sepang, said that M1 is a very good bike, but still needs work in order to reach the same level as the Honda.
Although Lorenzo was just 0.088 seconds behind Marco Simoncelli (who was first), considers the need to improve some points to be able to compete and win not only the world title but to match the nine victories which has last year. The Lorenzo said:
"I feel very good on the bike, which has evolved, but we need to improve some points as last year, for example, engine performance and traction of the rear wheel. The top speed is good but (the bike) should be given better repriz the second and third gear.
Everyone wants a better bike, it makes sense. Our very good, I want to win the same number of matches as the 2010 but this is difficult at present. The problem for us is that the Honda seems to have solved the problems can and brake more slowly, moving faster to get better speed and acceleration. The competition will be fierce, "he said.

O J. Lorenzo reported and performance in Sepang and Simoncelli said:
"The Simoncelli improved and it is obvious that the Honda is better than last year. That was faster than Dani (Pedrosa) and Casey (Stoner) means that drives very well, "said characteristics.

VIP *: O Burgess believes that victory in Qatar is possible!

Optimistic after the test in Malaysia. (* VIP = Very Importand Post)

VIP = Very Importand Post (Very Important Note)
Inaugurating a new category of major new, with the prefix VIP!

The Jeremy Burgess, chief engineer of the famous Valentino Rossi, a man from whom the Ducati has a lot of expectations - like himself Vale - to transform the GP11 in a friendly driver of a motorcycle, seems happy with the test Sepang. The Alex Briggs (third photo) from the team of engineers wrote on twitter:
"We did a ton of work, but the atmosphere was like in 2004. Really exciting. "Despite the fact that Jeremy is usually relaxed,« cool », we would say, seemed to share this exciting atmosphere.
"Every morning woke up Valentino and the shoulder was OK, so this is positive. We made some good progress with the bike. We have two bikes that we believe are good and probably something between the two settings is the bike that will be used in racing. We are ready to make a bike that fits the style of Valentino. In Valencia we tried the other drivers of motorcycles, Ducati (note to what we mean ...) and it was very different than we used to Yamaha. But after two months immediately found something more normal road for us and we were able to move forward very quickly from the first morning. Since then we have done little with the suspension. "

About whether to make drastic changes in GP11 said:
"Basically we need a more comprehensive picture of the results we make the Ducati. Some motorcycles are very sensitive to a change and some less. From the moment you understand what the changes compared to the desired result, it is much easier to work. "
The Jeremy referred to the unique "frameless" (fourth photo), the Ducati and whether this difficult situation:
"This is not exactly true. You can say that has two frames, so you are more fortunate. But this is not an issue that concerns me at present in this phase. Basically, wheels, tires, suspension and brakes, which are below the box is the same as those who worked for years. The only thing different is the engine and that is part of the framework and in this there are no issues of concern. For example, it never tried the new 42 mm forks. There was no need. We have a very good understanding of 48ariou for many years and at this point there is no issue with the suspension. Clearly we know that there can be no issue with parties who know and understand, because there has never been subject to them in the past. If there are questions, not from these parts. "

Speaking on the shoulder of the driver of the Burgess said:
"We'll come back here in three weeks with Valentino stronger and confident that we can make more improvements in the next test. Basically this test was important for Valentino, to understand the performance of his shoulder. "

In 2004, in Welkom, the Burgess had predicted the victory on the eve of the race. He was the only one who did it. I do now?
"I have this dream, but from what doctors say, recovery is good, but probably not 100%. But we have seen Valentino to win there last year being 80%, so nothing less than the abilities of Valentino from many sides

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