Feb 7, 2011

Lorenzo: «We have a very good bike, but ..."

He wants to win nine races this year
The Jorge Lorenzo, who was in fourth place ranking in Sepang, said that M1 is a very good bike, but still needs work in order to reach the same level as the Honda.
Although Lorenzo was just 0.088 seconds behind Marco Simoncelli (who was first), considers the need to improve some points to be able to compete and win not only the world title but to match the nine victories which has last year. The Lorenzo said:
"I feel very good on the bike, which has evolved, but we need to improve some points as last year, for example, engine performance and traction of the rear wheel. The top speed is good but (the bike) should be given better repriz the second and third gear.
Everyone wants a better bike, it makes sense. Our very good, I want to win the same number of matches as the 2010 but this is difficult at present. The problem for us is that the Honda seems to have solved the problems can and brake more slowly, moving faster to get better speed and acceleration. The competition will be fierce, "he said.

O J. Lorenzo reported and performance in Sepang and Simoncelli said:
"The Simoncelli improved and it is obvious that the Honda is better than last year. That was faster than Dani (Pedrosa) and Casey (Stoner) means that drives very well, "said characteristics.

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