Feb 5, 2011

Bautista:The pedestal is in my goals ...

The Spaniard Alvaro Bautista in the second year in MotoGP is the only driver of the Rizla Suzuki in 2011 after the Japanese company's decision to reduce funding of the factory team this year.

"It will be the same as to start again from scratch, now is the experience and all the settings and just need to go faster, because there is already a path. Now is not enough to give battle to ten, less is being close to the 7-8 position. To do this it is essential to evolve a good bike. If we succeed, then the foundation is in my goals, "said Bautista.

Regarding what is said that the Suzuki is the worst bike rack boot, the Spaniard said:
"It's complicated. What I know is that the bike has improved during the year with the work done by me and the team. It's like when Rossi moved to Yamaha and nobody wanted to drive the bike and now this is the best. The bike needs work, and Suzuki is a factory can build a competitive machine. You just have to know how to do it. "

About that his contract ends at the end of 2011, Bautista said:
"We need to make a good start to the season, because the contracts are signed very quickly in the paddock, but I'll look my own way, despite the possible offers. It will also change in 2012 to 1,000 cc and so it is necessary to see what happens there. For me, the 800cc is still little, so not sure what to do with the grand ... "

To see So what do Alvaro Bautista, with no other help in the development of the motorcycle, but the passion that see in the driving test in Valencia (with elbows on the road). Will he succeed in the high goals it has put? Suzuki and the series will find at last after the World Championships in 2000, got the Kenny Roberts Jr, the true self?

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