Feb 12, 2011

R. Xaus: «I have lofty goals for this year 'Superbike

He wants to stay constantly on the podium
The Ruben Xaus no secret of his ambition to be an actor at this year's Championship in WSBK. After tests at Portimao shows happy and says he wants to be in the top three in each race. Also, the Spanish rider is convinced that membership in the Honda team will stimulate the competitive spirit of Jonathan Rea, the team mate. Arrogance or self? We will see in the course of the year ...

The R. Xaus made these statements based on different driving style and the problems that had the Max Neukirchner, who was last year on the team. As he said:
"The Max has a different driving style from Jonathan and using other settings and mechanical parts of the bike and it changes its behavior, comparatively. It is difficult to draw reliable conclusions when bikes are different. Also, Max had a good physical condition.
Because competition is intense, if you're half a second behind his team mate, then you're in the back of the boot order. This is the reason that Jonathan "felt alone" when faced Max problem, "said o Xaus and added:

"The competition between the riders of a team makes you better. By Jonathan have similar driving styles and look forward to working together. I prefer to compete with him (the fight) and have moved away from the rest! "He said.

The Xaus denied rumors that he wanted him to not feel comfortable in the BMW.
"I never said this," exclaimed. "What I said is that the experience had been difficult to be among the top teams. We needed more time on the track. BMW has a powerful engine but is "nervous" and it is difficult to control it. When the track conditions are ideal, then the bike is amazing and has very good grip. However, when the circuit is abnormal is difficult to drive. "

Asked how he feels with his new motorcycle, the Spaniard answered:
«H Honda has enough power and I have made a good impression so far. I feel comfortable when I am driving and really enjoy it. I am 32 years old, I feel that I am fit and I think that can participate in races for eight more years yet, judging from Max Biaggi, but I do not believe that it will seek. I never got the perfect team so far, but I feel that the people of the Honda is a very good package, and together we can set high goals, "concluded R. Xaus


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