Feb 10, 2011

The presentation of the Pramac Racing

Done in Genoa, the cruise «MSC Fantasia»
A novel way chosen by the people of the Pramac Racing to formally present their team for the 2011 MotoGP. The event was held at the luxurious cruise ship «MSC Fantasia», the largest ship of that class held by European shipping company.

Present were o Paolo Campinoti, owner of the Pramac Racing, o Claudio Domenicali, Ducati's Production Manager and Technical Director of Competition, of course Loris Capirossi and Randy de Puniet and Federico Maccotta, Regional Director of the shipping company «MSC Crociere».

During the presentation Paolo Campinoti said:
"For us," MotoGP "means adrenaline, passion and fun! For ten years now we are part of this "world". We're still young (as a group) and we want to gradually improve in terms of results and our partners. For the new racing season, protoklasatous drivers chose to celebrate the best this decade, our participation in the institution.
We know it's difficult to compete with the factory teams and so our goal this year is to be the first satellite (groups). The next time that motorcycles will again 1000 cc engine, the data will be new for everyone and we will see what objectives we will. If the new data will make us take part in Moto2, will be something interesting for us. "

The Claudio Domenicali said inter alia:
"Our relationship with the Pramac Racing is a very good start. We feel comfortable with Paolo Campinoti and his team and hope to continue our partnership for years. The Pramac Racing is actually a satellite team, but all these years doing everything we can to have better support from us. He is a member of our family, some of our best engineers working in the Pramac Racing and will continue to do so.
Return to engines of 1,000 cc will be an interesting adventure for us and we will do everything possible so that Ducati, including those of the Pramac Racing, is among the best bikes. "

The Loris Capirossi said:
"I drove for five years for his Ducati before and after three years is like returning to my family. My participation in the Games with the Pramac Racing makes sure that we can make good results. In a few days we will go back to Sepang for testing and will be better.
Certainly we need to improve some things motorcycle, but we have made progress. For example, hard braking and when they move into the corner, but the fact that we reduce our times to the track means that we are on track. The existence of Randy in the group makes things easier. It is an ideal team mate and work flawlessly. I do not feel that he has finished my story in MotoGP »stressed meaningful Capirossi.

O Randy de Puniet said:
"I'm happy for the new" adventure "which begins with the Ducati, I became" Italian "again. I enjoy driving the motorcycle, though sometimes a bit difficult for me to check, especially in turns. Last year I had some good results, although it hurt. The important thing is that my leg did not bother me during the test and could not drive fast.
My goal is to do better this year and the work we've done so far with my engineers shows that I can make it. In a few days we will meet again in Sepang and I am sure will improve my performance, "concluded de Puniet.

Finally, Federico Maccotta said the selection of people Pramac make the official presentation of the «MSC Fantasia»:
"The intention to present the team and the new jewel in the Ducati board is a good opportunity to remember the value of team effort. The "MSC Fantasia" has a crew of 1,400 people to work together as a team to serve the 4,000 passengers. Wish you good luck in Loris, to Randy and all the members of the Pramac Racing. »


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