Feb 9, 2011

Ducati: «We wanted to keep the Stoner »

The Italian team like the Australian and 2011
The movement of Casey Stoner from the Ducati Honda opened the way for the integration of Valentino Rossi the Italian team. "Slowly the new!" You say and you're right. I do not write in this (new), but as the consequence of an act which did not cause the Ducati. Explained:

According to Alessandro Cicognani, Team Manager of the team, the people of the Ducati had tried since November 2009 to persuade Stoner to sign a contract until the end of 2011. As said A. Cicognani terms of the contract was very favorable for the 25 year old driver, but he did not want to do it.
"We were ready to sign him in November 2009. It did then, but we keep trying to convince him and he knows, "said a typical way (and meaning) the A. Cicognani.
Of course, "nothing bad lining. The departure of Stoner Rossi brought the Ducati and the dream of millions of Italian (and not only) come true

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