Feb 9, 2011

Capirossi: «Rossi will compete in with a smile"

The veteran rider spoke about the Ducati and Rossi
The presentation of the Pramac Racing team was on cruise «Fantasia» (from where the photo), as planned.
The Loris Capirossi and Randy De Puniet was the faces of the day, especially the Italian, who collected the interest.
"We will do our best!" Emphasized by L. Capirossi. "The competition level is very high this year. The GP11 wants a job yet but have the advantage to Valentino Rossi in the official development team will be quick and impressive, "he said.

When asked about his involvement in a private group, Capirossi replied bluntly:
"Life is a wheel and spins. It is right now to ride the new motorcycle factory at the age of riders. However, I think (the older) can still defend ourselves. "

When stated in 37chrono rider from Imola and that Valentino Rossi has grown and is now 32 years old, Capirrosi said:
"In 32 years I did my best races of my career. Valentino will compete with the respect which is mutual. So we did everything with him. On the track we are adversaries, but in the end always smile at each other, "concluded L. Capirossi.

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