Feb 6, 2011

The differences Rossi - Stoner, cornering

In the same turn with the same (almost) motorcycle
The Valentino Rossi and Casey Stoner are quite different as characters. One of the few common is that both have led Ducati in MotoGP.
Of course both characters are different, equally have a different driving style, it is certain that they know how to push a bike to the limit.
The photo montage made with an Italian friend and colleague Paolo Scalera - two images taken at the same point (last year and this year), the photographer with whom it collaborates magazine MOTOGP WORLD, o Gigi Soldano - clearly demonstrates the difference and why why Rossi and Stoner have to erect the different motorcycle.

The Casey slips back a lot more during a shift. It's way beyond the problem of understeer the Ducati and the forces to go in the right direction. Stoner also hung a lot more on its internal shift, shifting its weight to try to charge the ball as much as possible.

The Valentino (and because of) sits just behind the bike, pulling his body out much less and generally staying in a less «extreme» position. This position is proposed and the Kevin Schwantz, who believes that the shoulders should be kept in tanks near the steering wheel so that a better and easier to control when the bike starts to get away.

"Safer" then the Valentino, with a greater risk that Casey, as evidenced by the stability of Italy, in connection with instability and fall of many Australians. We expect future tests to see whether Rossi will have to change the style and approach to that of Stoner, to lead more quickly GP11, or whether it will succeed in other settings to subdue the vixen!
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