Feb 18, 2011

Graziano Rossi: O Vale ήταν γρήγορος από τη γέννα του!


Rossi's father talks about the birth of the Vale It was February 16, 32 years ago when Stephanie, the beautiful blonde with blue eyes, was carrying a boy in the world that will forever change the history of motorcycle racing. His father, the contestant then Graziano Rossi, a friend spoke to Mrs Alice Margaria for that day and the memories of the February 16, 1979. "I think I remember something that happened 32 years ago?" Was the first reaction of «Grazia»! "I remember that his mother was on the limit all the time, waiting for the birth for me I was crap, respectively. Our house was messy as trying to prepare for what would begin. I'll run with Morbidelli that year, and like everyone else in February was a big mess to get ready for the racing season to come. But what I remember, it nevertheless managed to be near them. " Q: Did you go to the hospital Stephanie Urbino; "I really believe that I went on and I really think that ... I do not remember!" Q: Do you remember when he was born? Was morning, afternoon or night? "No, but I think it was night, because you never ready to do something in the morning. Neither now nor then. It would not be ready to be born in the morning. The morning is just good to sleep. " E: It had sun, rain? "Certainly had the sun, because it could be different when born Valentino.» Q: What were your feelings when you first saw? "It's something that men and fathers can never explain. It is something so important that words can not describe it properly. I immediately feel that they should begin to do something for him, make sure he was OK, I do not know him and clothe him prepare for baptism. " Q: Did you know that would be a boy? "No, no test existed that could tell you before." Q: Who chose the name of Valentino; "His mother and I chose together, but I do not remember which one of them told us first ..." Q: Do you remember if it was normal or cesarean delivery? "Natural." Q: How weighed? "3.4 pounds." Q: It was a fast or slow delivery? "Certainly fast. He could never have a slow delivery. " Q: What else do you remember from that time? "I was 25 years old, I was a racing driver and ... the only thing I remember is that I was really happy. In the 25's or a man may already be mature and be crazy like a child. In my 25 I was mad as a child when you are so doing the child can have tremendous impact on you. " "I was afraid that I started getting old, because in theory a man with a child is great. Then I realized that a baby is something that is playing, laughing, crying, screaming ... do it all sucks. So a child brings chaos at home and much happiness and a constant smile. Also a child actually goes ahead, even though it already is moving ahead. " Q: And then he grew up, and you try ... "We raised more than me and is lucky it (responded with laughter). If the Vale has a child now, I had the same experience for me when I was born. That is, we feel that we need to grow at any cost, even if it is not necessary. " Q: What gift do you think would like the Valentino for 2011? "Let me think ... recently had a very serious problem, pain in the shoulder that troubled the last year. The gift I would give it a statement. A contract signed by someone who would say that it will never let him get injured again. " Q: Someone like ... Jesus? "Yes, someone at that level. It meant that one of my prayers would be answered: will not hurt again. " Q: But you have to believe in God, otherwise ... "He and me feel quite at each other, so I can ask a favor, and I think I will make it!"

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