17/02/2011 - 17:38

For the flood victims in Malaysia As announced, the government of Malaysia has decided to organize a charity event during the second test MotoGP (22-24 February) to raise money for flood victims all 31,000 residents. The campaign is called «RM2 and More» and provides that those who enter the track to watch closely the trials will have to make a donation of money, with a minimum of two ringgit (the Malaysian currency) which represents less than 0.5 euro. To say that the monetary symbol is ringkt «RM», hence the name of the charity campaign.
The Dato Ahmad Razlan Ahmad Razali, managing director of the track, said: "The impact of flooding is high, it was the worst hit province Johor. We had many viewers during the first test and hope to have more in the second test. Those who come to see their idols up close to know that they stand by those who need it. "
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